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. best bud in the whole wide world!



But being the family dog, I unfortunately wasn't able to bring him with me when I moved from Australia to Stockholm, but he insists that he wants me to get out and meet new dogs.



I absolutely love dogs and miss being surrounded by them. This got me thinking... there must be hundreds of dogs sitting at home each day in Stockholm that would love my company as much as I would love theirs.



My name is Nicholas and I moved to Stockholm to live with my sambo, Annika whilst she studies here. I am 27 years of age and am currently studying a Masters degree in business. I have had a soft spot for dogs since I was 4 years old when I got my first dog, Spot the dalmation. Since spot I have been blessed with other beautiful dogs such as Tinkabell, the West Highland Terrier, Chrissy, a charasmatic red and white Kelpy and finally the coolest dog in the whole of Australia, Moose!






Meet Moose

“I don't have too many other friends that would pick up my poo"  ​





“I swear he is a magician. How can the ball still be in his hand when I clearly saw him throw it?"  ​
Billy (Moose's cousin)


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